Mobile Drapery Cleaners Of Maui is owner and family operated company since 1972. We are your one stop shop for all of your window treatment needs.
We have same day appointments for drapery cleaning, sales, installations and repairs. And the best part is we come out to you. We offer the most comprehensive, thorough service with quality products for every style of window that will save you on your cooling and heating costs.
Maui Drapery Cleaning and New Window Treatments by Mobile Drapery Cleaners of Maui is 808-250-5351 for fast service call, text, or chat.
Our mobile showroom also comes to you and we work with you to select the best style and type of window treatment to suit your needs and your budget. And don't worry, we take the measurements for your window treatments so that they are accurate when we install them.
Have draperies? We clean and can replace hardware and minor repairs if you need them. We do it all and are excited to share that we have been proudly serving Maui since 1972 and have impeccable references.
Have questions about your current window treatments? We will be glad to answer them for you.
Is it time to have your drapery cleaned? We can get you on the next cleaning and complete it the same day.
We would love to hear from you. Call us at Mobile Drapery Cleaners of Maui (mdcofmaui) 808-250-5351. You can visit us on the web at
Mahalo Maui for helping us serve 50+ years!